FOLIO Federated Access
TU Darmstadt aims to make the sharing of learning facilities and resources simpler and cheaper for FOLIO libraries.
TU Darmstadt aims to make the sharing of learning facilities and resources simpler and cheaper for FOLIO libraries.
University libraries are increasingly looking to pool their physical and online learning resources and facilities, for a variety of reasons:
To enable this collaborative approach, universities form partnerships known as “federations”. Institutions within a federation may agree to allow students from other universities in the group to use and borrow resources. Whilst this may seem a simple aim, in practice it presents difficulties around the tracking and controlling of which students have access to what, and for how long.
The Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt in Germany is teaming up with other universities in their DFN federation to share library learning resources. At present, when a student borrows resources from a partnering university library they must use an account and chip card issued by that university to validate themselves. As a result, each student may end up with several library cards. Besides being an inconvenience for the individual, the overhead of managing accounts for students from other universities and issuing these users with chip cards is resource intensive and uneconomical for the institutions involved.
Ideally each student would be able to use their home library account to access what they need at any of the collaborating libraries. It is with this goal in mind that the University and State Library Darmstadt (ULB) of the TU Darmstadt approached Knowledge Integration. They asked if we would build a prototype to answer two questions.
The project had a core goal: to enable FOLIO to use a federation for authentication. FOLIO already had a sign-in module so we extended it, rather than replace it, to allow the existing user community to benefit from the new features. A review of the module revealed that it lacked three essential pieces of functionality, the ability to:
The FedAccs proof of concept was completed and delivered successfully and is now available for use as a base by any organisation with a need to incorporate federated authentication into their FOLIO installation. The source code is available in ULB-Darmstadt’s public FedAccs github repository.
More detail about this project can be found in our blog article FedAccs delivers federated authentication to FOLIO.
TU Darmstadt and K-Int would like to thank the Innovation Fund of the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts for funding the project.