CIIM is a middleware solution which can extract data from, and synchronize data between, back-office systems. It acts as the information broker between your data, staff and (optionally) the public.

Target audience
Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM organisations) and anyone else who has a need to disseminate, share, synchronise or visualise their content.
How can it help you?

In a nutshell, CIIM connects people to content. You might use it to:
- automatically publish your collections data (archive, object, media and authority) online
- deliver data to Europeana or Archives Portal Europe
- publish data to a triple store and align it with CIDOC CRM
- create media artefacts for online publication
- synchronise DAMS and collections data to remove the need for double data entry
- add DAMS media links into your collection database
- use IIIF for both image delivery and metadata presentation
- process/integrate analytics data to provide insight into data and service usage
Create once, publish everywhere!

Who uses CIIM?
CIIM is widely used in the Cultural Sector with users ranging from national organisations to local galleries. Our customers are collectively using CIIM for the publication of almost 100 million items.
What’s with the name?
In case you’re wondering. CIIM is pronounced “sim” and stands for Collections Information Integration Middleware.
Examples of CIIM in use
Our portfolio contains many examples of how we’ve delivered CIIM to customers. Some specific examples are detailed below, but the possibilities are endless.
Science Museum
Content integrated from three back office systems to provide seamless access for members of the public in a totally cloud-based solution.
Users can discover items in the museum collections, library, archives, people and places all in a single search.
Royal Armouries
Pyramid TIFFs enable users to zoom in to view images in superb detail.